

Tilkynning var send út frá ARRL 23. október þess efnis, að afgreiðsla umsókna um DXCC og DXCC uppfærslur væri hafin á ný, sbr. meðfylgjandi skilaboð.

Stjórn ÍRA.

“The ARRL DXCC® System has been returned to service, and our staff is again processing applications for credit toward DXCC awards. The queue includes nearly 3,000 award applications submitted via Logbook of The World® (LoTW®) accounts and mailed paper applications. We are processing the backlog as quickly as possible, and will provide additional progress updates.

For now, the online DXCC application will remain offline. Any new award applications we receive will experience significant delays as we work through the backlog”.

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