
Auknar tíðniheimildir á 40m

Fyrir hönd íslenskra radíóamatöra hefur stjórn ÍRA sótt um auknar tíðniheimildir á 40m bandinu til samræmis við ákvörðun World Radiocommunications Conference 2003.

Svar hefur borist frá P&F þess efnis að frá 29. mars 2009 verði radíóamatörum sem operera undir íslenskum reglum heimil notkun á tíðnisviðinu 7100-7200 kHz með sömu skilmálum og í dag eru í gildi á 7000-7100 kHz, þ.e. forgangsflokki 1 og hámarksafli G-leyfishafa 1000 W, svo:






7000 – 7200 KHz 1 100 1000 6 KHz

Standa vonir til að þetta verði íslenskum amatörum lyftistöng, þar sem 40m bandið er gott DX-band héðan af norðurhjara. Í þessu sambandi er mikilvægt að fara eftir nýja bandplaninu frá IARU Region 1 (en bandplanið í heild sinni má nálgast hér):

IARU Region 1 – 40m bandplan




7000 – 7025 200 CW, contest preferred
7025 – 7040 200 CW, 7030 kHz – QRP Centre of Activity
7040 – 7047 500 Narrow band modes – digimodes
7047 – 7050 500 Narrow band modes – digimodes,
automatically controlled data stations (unattended)
7050 – 7053 2700 All modes – digimodes, automatically controlled data stations (unattended)*
7053 – 7060 2700 All modes – digimodes
7060 – 7100 2700 All modes, SSB contest preferred
7070 kHz – Digital Voice Centre of Activity
7090 kHz – SSB QRP Centre of Activity
7100 – 7130 2700 All modes, 7110 kHz – Region 1 Emergency Centre of Activity
7130 – 7200 2700 All modes, SSB contest preferred, 7165 kHz – Image Centre of Activity
7175 – 7200 2700 All modes, priority for intercontinental operation
  • All modes CW, SSB and those modes listed as Centres of Activity, plus AM (Consideration should be given to adjacent channel users).
  • Image modes Any analogue or digital image modes within the appropriate bandwidth, for example SSTV and FAX.
  • Narrow band modes All modes using up to 500 Hz bandwidth, including CW, RTTY, PSK etc.
  • Digimodes Any digital mode used within the appropriate bandwidth, for example RTTY, PSK, MT63 etc.
  • *Lowest dial setting for LSB Voice mode: 7053 kHz
  • Amplitude modulation (AM) may be used in the telephony sub-bands providing consideration is given to adjacent channel users. (NRRL Davos 05).
  • CW QSOs are accepted across all bands, except within beacon segments. (Recommendation DV05_C4_Rec_13)
  • The term “automatically controlled data stations” includes Store and Forward stations.
  • The frequencies in the bandplan are understood as “transmitted frequencies” (not those of the suppressed carrier!)


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