
Ekkert hefur spurst til DB5MH sem er týndur á Grænlandi

Eftirfarandi póstur barst til TF3GW frá Werner Hasemann DJ9KH bróður DB5MH:

I am the brother of Michael and would like to thank You also in the name of his family beeing with us in these hours of hope and sadness. You did a good job, the police in Greenland did a great job. They kept us informed and got all necessary informations from us to be successful in their search and rescue actions. They tried it 3 times by helicopter, they flew the route and beside the route, they looked into the glaciers, they landed several times. They also met fishermen, hunters and a trecking-group, they published photos and informed the newspapers. But not a footstep of Michael. So, we have to wait for a miracle……Thank You all Werner DJ9KH

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