
Neyðarfjarskiptaumferð á 20, 40 og 80 metrunum

Radíóamatörar um allan heim eru beðnir um að taka tillit til neyðarfjarskiptaumferðar á tíðnunum 14245, 14300, 7045 og 3720 kHz í dag og næstu daga. Þetta er vegna jarðskjálftanna á Haiti. Sjá nánar meðfylgjandi upplýsingar:

“Amateur Radio operators should be made aware that emergency traffic pertaining to the Haitian earthquake is expected on 14265 kHz. CO2KK, Arnie, the IARU Region II Area C Emergency Coordinator, has organized nets on 7045 and 3720 kHz. As of 0245Z today no HH stations had checked in. Additional frequencies may be activated on different bands at different times of day, so be sure to listen carefully before transmitting to make sure you are not interfering with emergency traffic.

Late yesterday a 7.0 magnitude earthquake hit Haiti (HH), which has since been followed by more than a dozen aftershocks. HH2/HB9AMO, Pierre, is OK and was located about 140 km north of Port-au-Prince in Cap Haitien. He is there working for the United Nations World Food Program. Later today Pierre will be traveling to the capital. Communications in and out of Haiti have been largely cut. No word has been received as of yet from any of the national HH Amateur Radio operators”.


Comment frá TF3Y

Það er fróðleg umfjöllun á vef CNN um amatörfjarskipti á Haiti í kjölfar náttúruhamfaranna hér .

 Comment frá TF3JA

og á http://www.arrl.org/arrlletter/?issue=2010-01-21

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